Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Encinitas Holistic Dentist Confirms Root Canal Alternatives Do Exist

You’ve recently had your dental checkup, and your dentist told that you need a root canal. This has got you worried. From what you hear, the procedure is quite painful, and you can’t imagine yourself going through it. Perhaps now you’re asking yourself if there are less painful alternatives to root canal. Your Encinitas holistic dentist wants you to know that yes, alternatives do exist, but it all depends on the situation.
The reason most dentists recommend root canal is because they don’t take the time to diagnose the problem thoroughly. If they did, and if root canal is truly necessary, then that means the damage to the tooth is severe and irreversible. Thus, the safest alternative to root canal is quite simply, tooth extraction. Read more on this article:

Crowns and Bridges for Active People: San Diego Natural Dentist FAQs

Crowns and bridges are permanent oral prosthetic devices. The keyword here is ‘permanent,’ so unlike temporary and removable oral devices such as dentures, they require an altogether different set of maintenance steps. If you live an active life, you may want to know how having crowns and bridges may affect your activities. Below are some of the common questions that active patients ask about the protection and maintenance of their crowns and bridges.
Would having crowns and bridges affect my lifestyle significantly?
Having a crown or bridge shouldn’t impact your lifestyle. Even if you live an active life, they shouldn’t affect your activities other than normal. However, if you play physical sports, you can help protect your dental prosthetics by wearing a helmet or mouthguard. Read more on this article:

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Encenitas Dentist Lists 4 All-Natural Teeth Whitening Methods to Try

Natural is best for almost anything, including teeth whitening. Unfortunately, many teeth whitening products available in the market today contain artificial chemicals that can be harsh on the gums and enamel, leaving the former feeling sensitive and tender for some time, and the latter utterly destroyed. If you want whiter teeth but want to avoid harmful chemicals, your San Diego and Encinitas natural dentist lists down these non- artificial options that are not only perfectly safe, but also highly effective.
Oil pulling
Bacteria turns into plaque and causes your teeth to yellow. Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy that involves gargling with oil and swishing it around your mouth to kill bacteria, thereby preventing discoloration. Likewise, the method is also scientifically proven to prevent gum disease and lower the risk of tooth decay. Use coconut oil for best results. Read more on this article:

Dentist in San Diego Discusses Link Between Oral and Overall Health

You might think that a minor dental problem isn’t that important. If you believe this, you are putting yourself at great risk, because other, more serious health problems can result from poor oral care. More and more evidence shows that the health of your mouth affects the health of your whole body—even a common gum disease can lead to serious conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and heart ailments if left untreated.
How could this be possible, you may ask? In some cases, the blame lies in the bacteria in the mouth. As in the case of heart disease, when oral bacteria find its way into the bloodstream, they can settle on existing coronary artery plaques, after which they can start producing clots in the arteries that lead to the heart. When these clots reach the heart, they can cause heart attack, stroke, damage to the body’s organs, or even death. Read more on this article: